[image credit: amzn.to] Supreme Court justices don’t fight corruption because they don’t see it firsthand “The two most abrupt breaks with the historical meaning of […]
Category: Government
For transparency’s sake, lawmakers should be upfront about the beneficiaries of a bill
[image credit: kcet.org] Bill aimed at reducing food waste was vetoed by the White House The Fighting Hunger Incentives Act of 2015, if passed, would […]
When politicians won’t budge on a third-rail issue, use humor
[image credit: Open Society Foundations] Politicians won't budge on a third-rail issue The War on Drugs is a hot-button issue that doesn't seem to improve. […]
Internet kiosks give rural villagers access to government services
[image credit: Business Standard] Rural citizens have difficulty using basic government services In many areas of the world, rural poor are unable to take advantage […]
Keep lakes healthy by mandating a minimum water level
[image credit: SDfish.com] Low water levels allow toxic algae blooms to grow The California drought has severely affected Lake Elsinore. As the water level falls, […]
When an issue becomes too contentious, focus on mutual pain points
Some political issues seem too contentious for any progress to be made Suicide is the most preventable cause of death in the United States, when […]
Dept. of Education: Student Aid More Expensive than Just Subsidizing Everyone’s Tuition
In January 2013, the U.S. Department of Education released a startling find: to completely subsidize the tuition for all public universities in the U.S., taxpayers […]
Congressional Earmarks: What Are They?
The process of Congressional earmarking has received heavy news coverage in recent months, as U.S. citizens evaluate the effectiveness of government spending projects. Situations like […]