Residents convert abandoned newspaper boxes into tiny community libraries


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Many people don't visit libraries anymore

Books are becoming less popular overall, and attendance at local libraries is falling

Solution: Scatter tiny free libraries throughout a community

If you saw a Little Free Library as you were walking in your neighborhood, you’d likely think that it was a large bird house… that is in front of someone’s house… near the sidewalk. However, on closer inspection, you’ll find that this “bird house” is actually a Little Library and it’s stuffed to the brim with books! Every Little Library, depending on its neighborhood and location, will have different books to choose from — all that have been left by others to share with their neighbors — from novels, to recent magazines, to non-fiction books, to new release hardback books. The libraries are owned by the home that they belong to and run on the honor system — you’re welcome to take the books that you’d like to read and are expected to leave a book or two (or three!) when you visit. Most Little Libraries also include pieces of paper and pens, so that you can leave a little note in the book that says who you are or what you loved about it (we suggest having your kids make their own little note at home — much quicker and easier than on the sidewalk!).

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