Try adding a cash option to your next food drive

food banks use cash grants to stock up on perishable goods
food banks use cash grants to stock up on perishable goods
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Healthier foods are perishable and harder to collect during food drives

Ask anyone who has lived on canned food for a few days, and they’ll probably be craving something fresh. Most of the items requested by families in need are perishable: bread, milk, meat, cheese, fruits and vegetables, etc. are usually easier to buy from wholesale outlets than they are to collect during a drive.

Solution: During food drives, add a cash option for donors

With every food drive or fundraising event, try to find a way to raise some cash at the same time. During a door-to-door or supermarket food drive, have volunteers provide a cash option for people who would prefer to donate directly. If you are concerned about volunteers carrying cash, there are many options for taking mobile payments, or they could hand out a small flyer with instructions for donating online. Try approaching a potential matching donor to offer a specific dollar amount for every can collected during the drive. You donor can know that they will be improving the nutrition of an entire community, while also inspiring others to give.

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  • Consider giving a cash grant to your local food bank, along with canned goods


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