Food bank creates live “demonstration garden” to educate patrons


[image credit: Sacramento Food Bank]

People are less likely to go out of their way to a gardening workshop

Tens of thousand of people pass through the Sacramento Food Bank each year for short-term assistance. While a few hundred of them may go on to enroll in nearby gardening courses and grow their own kitchen gardens, the vast majority will continue to rely on spotty availability of fresh produce at the pantry.

Solution: Bring the garden to the food bank, and teach people where they are

Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services started teaching workshops in a Demonstration Garden in May 2012. Gardening classes include introduction to gardening, composting, pest management, irrigation, healthy food choices and more. The Demonstration Garden includes a greenhouse, composting and vermicomposting bins, large production beds along with other demonstration areas and an outdoor kitchen table where clients can learn to prepare food they cultivate and harvest.

By combining gardening instruction directly with immediate food assistance, the food bank is able to help patrons build more long-term food security.

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