How the humble brown bag lunch can conquer homelessness

soup kitchen offers bag lunch for people on the go
soup kitchen offers bag lunch for people on the go
[image credit: St. Michael Ministries]

Many hungry people are unable to return throughout the day for a meal

Contrary to popular belief, almost half of homeless people work at least part time, but it can be difficult to keep a job when you are hungry throughout the day. While there may be soup kitchens and other services to provide food to the hungry, the travel involved in going from one meal to the next may take up much of the day. This can be a significant barrier to employment.

Solution: Brown bag lunches enable the homeless to work

This sounds simple enough, but a basic brown bag lunch could mean the difference between keeping a job and giving up out of hunger. During a morning breakfast shift, many soup kitchens hand out bag lunches for patrons to take on the go. This frees up time during business hours for working or job hunting, instead of looking for another meal.

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