Pop-up window on food bank website alerts visitors of their current needs

Food Bank website popup window alerts visitors of current needs
Food Bank website popup window alerts visitors of current needs
[image credit: Fairbanks Community Food Bank

Problem: Food banks receive too much of the wrong things

Food pantries request so many items that it can be difficult to communicate to potential donors what you actually need. For example, it’s common to receive several hundred pounds of bagged rice that will tear open, when boxed rice is much easier to stock and inventory. During holiday events with a fixed menu, it’s especially important to have the correct proportion of food in stock.

Solution: Update donors every time they visit your site

The Fairbanks Community Food Bank found a simple solution to this problem: when visiting their site, you’ll be immediately greeted with a popup notification showing what they are seeking in their current drive and what they still need. Once the website administrator sets up the popup, it’s a simple matter to periodically update the image and change the notification.

This is a simple, but valuable tool to add to your website. In all your email communications and social media pages, you can tell them to “Please visit our site to see a current list of needs”.

When submitting a change to your notification, it’s a good opportunity to update your social media feeds. For example, “We still need 302 pies for the Thanksgiving season. Please visit our website for more information.”

Get Involved:

  • If you have web development experience, offer to help your local food bank set up a popup alert.
  • Send this idea to your local food pantry

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