Students auction off handcrafted “empty bowls” to fundraise for hunger initiative


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Service-learning curriculum seeks to use students to tackle local hunger

Cincinnati art teacher Liz Rossi wanted an opportunity to educate the community about hunger and homelessness and poverty in the Cincinnati area, as well as the world. “In Madeira Middle School, service learning is a large component of the curriculum,” Rossi said.

Solution: Students auction hand crafts at community fundraising dinner

Madeira Middle School students hope to make people’s hearts full by giving them empty bowls at the Third Annual Empty Bowls Dinner Event held at the school. Seventh-graders are hosting the 6-8 p.m. Friday to raise community awareness about issues such as hunger and homelessness, and hope people will be moved to help.

“Some are focusing on hunger and health and how obesity plays a role in hunger in America and some are focusing on international poverty,” said language arts teacher Lindsey Isaacs, who collaborated with Rossi, social studies teacher Amy Hugentobler, and English teacher Michele Tuchfarber.

Students will have booths at the event, each representing a social agency, where they present their research and will educate people on the agency’s role in the community.

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