[image credit: firstfoodbank.org] Backyard fruit trees are a wonderful source of food bank produce St. Mary’s Food Bank Alliance is asking the public for assistance […]
Tag: food waste
Cut food waste at schools by holding lunch after recess
[image credit: news.byu.edu] When kids are excited about recess, they rush through lunch Because of a federal rule, kids throw away millions of dollars of […]
For transparency’s sake, lawmakers should be upfront about the beneficiaries of a bill
[image credit: kcet.org] Bill aimed at reducing food waste was vetoed by the White House The Fighting Hunger Incentives Act of 2015, if passed, would […]
Grocery outlet supermarkets bring affordable food to those in need
[image credit: npr.org] Many poor can't afford supermarket food, even though much of it goes to waste A good portion of supermarket food is rejected […]
Entrepreneur turns leftover cafeteria food into hot meals for hungry people
[image credit: grist.org] Cafeterias and restaurants throw away thousands of pounds of food Americans waste 40 percent of our food, and one in six Americans […]
Grassroots food recycling initiative redistributes wasted food to the hungry
[image credit: DW.com] Over 30% of retail food goes to waste. Roughly one-third of food sold by retailers goes to waste after reaching its expiration […]
Food banks turn to local farmers for healthier fare
[image credit: Spokesman Review] Much of the food donated to food banks is unhealthy Historically, according to the California-based SuperFood Drive, food pantries focused on […]
Supermarket sells “ugly” produce at a discount
[image credit: CTV News] Much produce goes in the garbage because it isn't "perfect" An estimated 300 million tons of produce a year are thrown […]
Fishing company finds high demand for throwaway cuts
[image credit: telegraph.co.uk] Fish fillets are too expensive for the very poor In many subsistence economies, most types of meat could be considered a luxury. […]
Food bank gleans fruit leftover after fall harvest
Commercial orchards leave imperfect fruit on the tree In orchards and fields around the world, thousands of pounds of produce go unharvested every year. Solution: […]