[image credit: firstfoodbank.org] Backyard fruit trees are a wonderful source of food bank produce St. Mary’s Food Bank Alliance is asking the public for assistance […]
Tag: produce
New Food Stamp Program Helps Recipients Buy Fresh Food from Farmer’s Markets
[image credit: npr.org] Food stamp program limits recipients to less healthy, processed food Large food manufacturers are a major recipient of money from the food […]
Community garden hosts small farmers markets to sell excess produce
[image credit: communitygarden.org] Produce often goes to waste at a community garden Just like any other garden, community gardens often produce bumper crops, much of […]
Community garden sells produce to finance operations
The Verde Garden: Growing a Healthy Community from Brett Hickman on Vimeo. Many community gardens struggle to pay for expenses Running a community garden […]
Grow 100 lbs of potatoes in 4 square feet
[image credit: Apartment Therapy] Gardening is more difficult in high-density housing The urban poor have unique challenges when sourcing fresh food. Often, gardening can be […]
Digital Farmers Market brings fresh produce to local retailers
[image credit: Aisle Won] Small farmers struggle to get food to market Small-scale agriculture operations are popping up all over the place, as people start […]
New initiative teaches young people to forage for edible food in their environment
[image credit: Food Systems Planning] Older urban environments are full of edible landscaping As we become more dependent on the modern diet, people forget how […]
City grows greens year-round in hydroponic shipping container farms
[image credit: NPR] Gardening is almost impossible in cold winter months In the snowy months, restaurants and supermarkets often import huge shipping containers of fresh […]
Food banks turn to local farmers for healthier fare
[image credit: Spokesman Review] Much of the food donated to food banks is unhealthy Historically, according to the California-based SuperFood Drive, food pantries focused on […]
Supermarket sells “ugly” produce at a discount
[image credit: CTV News] Much produce goes in the garbage because it isn't "perfect" An estimated 300 million tons of produce a year are thrown […]