Double the impact of a matching campaign by extending with a second donor

[image credit: Homeless Connections]
[image credit: Homeless Connections]
Matching campaigns can be very effective: having a larger donor backing a project lends credibility to the campaign and gives community members twice as many reasons to give, since they know their gift will have double the impact.

A homeless shelter in Appleton, Wisconsin gained additional traction for a campaign by extending it with the help of a second matching donor. They announced the extension with an article in the local newspaper, along with a link for readers to donate.

Homeless Connections provides housing, meals, and street outreach services to over 3,000 people each year.  Every November, their “15 in 15” campaign seeks to raise $15,000 in 15 days. This year, Secura Insurance agreed to match every dollar up to the target goal, which was met in nine days. After the initial goal was met, an anonymous donor agreed to match up to $5,000 of additional donations.

You may find that once the original campaign is underway and close to being fully funded, past prospects who initially declined may feel more confident in participating. Contact them again, mention the success of the initial campaign, and you may find a second sponsor.

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