Botanic garden trains next generation of advocates with summer internship program


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Students may have only shallow experience with a program

Like many other cause-oriented organizations, directors at the Washington Youth Garden worry that the public only experiences a brief glimpse of the benefits of a program.

Solution: Convert youth into program ambassadors through internship program

Our Green Ambassadors Program centers around a 6-week summer high school internship located at the demonstration garden at the US National Arboretum. Interns learn how to garden, prepare and eat healthy produce, visit and learn about other green organizations and the jobs they offer, lead student garden field trips, participate in structured communication skills training, and experience an incredible, outdoor summer. The Green Ambassadors Program also offers limited paid employment opportunities with the Washington Youth Garden after the internship is completed. We maintain a small annual cohort size to build a tight-knit community and to ensure that every intern experiences personal growth.

Interns also meet and work with incredible peers and supervisors, learn important job-readiness skills, and learn countless new skills around gardening, education, and food.

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