[image credit: Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden]
Universities are best positioned to research the local environment
Each local environment has its own unique challenges, and botanical gardens are institutions that traditionally feel the need to educate the public on the ecological conditions around them.
Solution: Partner with nearby botanic gardens to source local plants
The Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden in Claremont, California, is situated conveniently near the Claremont Colleges network, which contain world-class research and teaching intitutions. The botanic garden raises local plants, not only for nearby residents looking for hardy landscaping options, but for researchers at the universities nearby. This partnership allows the garden to fuel research into the preservation of the local environment, and further the cause of the botanic garden in a real way.
In addition to enabling research, the growing operation generates additional funding for the garden.
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- Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden | Grow Native Nursery