Think one person can’t make a difference against hunger?
Food insecurity is such a widespread problem that it may be difficult for someone to think that they can have any impact. It’s easy to assume that nonprofits or government programs are more qualified to address humanitarian problems, but hunger is a simple issue – people need food – and the short term solution is to feed them.
Solution: Humanitarian starts soup kitchen out of her car
With a minimal investment, one person can actually make a huge difference in their local community. When Lilly Bell Goins saw a rising problem of hunger in her city of Monroe, Louisiana, she started a soup kitchen out of the back of her car. “Granny” Goins would drive to parking lots around the city, handing out food and clothing gathered from other donors. Eventually, she found a facility for their operation and “Granny’s Kitchen” became a brick-and-mortar soup kitchen.
You don’t necessarily have to start a soup kitchen to help your community, but “Granny” Goins is a valuable reminder that you don’t need a legal entity or a license to change lives.
Read More
- The News Star | Granny Goins Soup Kitchen gets face-lift
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