What is Solutionbank?

Do you ever stop to reflect on the change you have on the world? If you or I were to die tomorrow, what impact would we leave behind us?

Most of us will leave a few lives touched, a few tons of garbage in a landfill, and thousands of gallons of gas extracted from the Earth and incinerated. But what else? Can we do more?

The instruction manual for a better world

I decided a few years ago that I wanted to leave an instruction manual to the people who will clean up this world and fix its problems. I’ll be the first to admit I’m not qualified to do this. If you have a question about spreadsheets or writing a business plan, I’m your guy. But eradicating hunger and disease, cleaning up pollution, building corruption-free business and regulatory environments – I’ll admit I know almost nothing about those things.

But here’s the good news: for each of the world’s problems there are thousands of people working alone or in tandem, each finding a small piece of the solution. Maybe it’s only a matter of contacting these people, gathering their ideas into one place, and sharing them with the entire community. Even someone as inexperienced as myself could do that, or at least part of it.

This must be a collaborative effort.

I am building a team of SolutionBank Fellows: individuals who are passionate about specific causes, and who are committed to spending a few minutes a day gathering new ideas and leading practices in their field. The time commitment is small, but the impact can be huge. Would you like to build relationships with the leading experts in your field, while building your own expertise gathering leading practices for them?

 How you can help:

Contact me using the form below. Tell me which cause you are interested in. If you’d like to share a few ideas with us – wonderful, we’ll take them. If you are seeking to become an expert on a particular issue – wonderful! You can curate your own corner of the knowledge base. If there is mutual interest, I will pair you with a leading nonprofit in your field as a SolutionBank Fellow. In return, you commit to spending a few hours a week gathering ideas and leading practices into our knowledge base, and the partner nonprofit benefits from the ideas you gather.
